Newsflash: Culture Change is Slow…and Here’s Why

Newsflash: Culture Change is Slow…and Here’s Why

We've heard it time after time: Culture change is slow. But why? Why is culture change so slow?? Understanding this is o...

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Change Enthusiasm: One Strategy to Nurture Organizational Resilience and Adaptability

Change Enthusiasm: One Strategy to Nurture Organizational Resilience and Adaptability

Imagine if you will a calm, placid pond. The surface perfectly emulating its surroundings through a mirror reflection. Now i...

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Anthem of a Change Enthusiast

Anthem of a Change Enthusiast

Our tribe of Change Enthusiasts is growing. And with it comes great intention. Catchphrases like ‘Change Agent’ and...

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CHANGE Enthusiasm®

Dynamic corporate speaker and consultant, Cassandra Worthy, introduces a growth mindset practice that helps readers to view change and the emotions surrounding it as a gift.

Only 10 percent of successful change adoption is about know-how . . . the other 90 percent is squarely centered on the motivation and willingness to embrace the change. In this book, Cassandra Worthy shows that if the emotions standing in the way of motivation aren’t addressed, any transformation journey is stopped in its tracks. Cassandra shares her unique strategy of Change Enthusiasm, which helps individuals to harness the power of emotion–a resource in infinite supply–to embrace and accelerate change and transformation journeys. Her practical yet inspiring strategies will inspire anyone to become enthusiastic about change and find their unique power of resilience during turbulent times.

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